How Can You Share Messages On привнот?
привнот is what you need to protect your mail. Just think that you send someone your log id and username because you needed some help with your account and that person is a family so is very reliable but just a few days later you notice your account being hacked and you know that it is not that person. You see things getting posted that you did not post. You see unwanted messages being sent to your friends and other such activities that spoil your image and social media page.
Now, what happened here? The mail that you must have sent was important but was unsecured and unsecured emails are really vulnerable to phishing as well as break-ins and if you provide the hackers with the login information then the hackers will have the cream they need and this is what they would misuse.
So, in order to deliver sensitive stuff of whatever kind, you would require a private as well as encrypted messages which will self destruct themselves and would not live a single trace like that in привнот. It is an amazing app and it works on phones, computers, and also in your tablets. You just have to know how to use it and send these messages and you are good to go.
Learn To Send Messages Safely Using привнот
привнот is one of the most secure sites and it allows you to send any and every private message that you wish to send your family, your friends, or anyone else. It has the feature of getting deleted itself as and when it is opened and seen. This is amazing if you wish to send across a piece of extremely crucial information or even if some basic mail is to be sent then you can send it because it will avoid any sort of clogging.
Just start by opening the website of привнот and just start writing your message when you are done, you will be getting a certain link from привнот, just share it with whomever you want to send it to. You can share it either automatically through an email or you can send it online. As and when the person you send to opens it and exits the window, you will see that it will get disappear.
What More?
You will have the option of setting some sort of timer to the message if you wish that the message should stay for some more time then you can do that. This is absolutely amazing if the mail needs to be seen a few more times and then it will get off.
You have the flexibility of choosing either immediate destruction or the most till 30 days. привнотmakes the message very secure, which means that only the receiver will have access to the secret mail. So, be free, start sending those emails you have always wanted to send but were never sure about or were scared of the deadly hackers, so this is the time for you.