Subject line for cold email: top 3 ways to create the right offer for an unfamiliar client
It’s a mistake to think that email is a thing of the past. A well-planned and implemented with the help of services such as, for example, can help you quickly develop services or sales. But then a completely different problem arises – how to attract the attention of the potential recipient of the email to the message?
It is important not only to write a good text and provide it with a good layout. It is important to specify the right subject line for cold email.
How to choose such a subject line so that it won’t scare away the recipient and email services won’t consider this message an attempt to spam?
There can be several answers to this question. And each time you will have to make a new decision, considering many factors. Still, there are a few important recommendations.
Don’t yell in the title!
Typed in capital letters, the text of the subject line is a scream! Not a conversation and not informing about the benefits of the product, service, but a real hysteria! The average user, except for rare cranks, to such an appeal will react just the opposite of the call:
– they won’t read the letter;
– or redirect it to spam;
– block the sender.
Therefore, the first and easiest recommendation is not to write the subject line in capital letters. This has the opposite effect – rejection. It is better to introduce a calm tone into the dialogue right away – the use of appropriate upper- and lower-case letters.
Keep it intriguing at all times.
The creativity of the headline is very important. You shouldn’t, of course, write it so that it becomes the slogan of a social media ad campaign or a new meme. But it’s important to break the meaning of the content into two components. And make sure that part of the meaning is conveyed in the letter itself.
It’s not an easy task. But it’s very important. Because the headline should appeal, not answer questions.
For example, it will be unsuccessful to write the following subject line: “We have the cheapest car parts for 100 euros, and you can buy them from 9.00 to 18.00, ordering online with free delivery”. There is no point in disclosing the letter anymore. And such a verbose approach is bad practice.
Squeeze into the subject everything you want to say, do not. It is much better to formulate the topic as follows: “The cheapest spare parts with free delivery. See our price to the letter and how to order them.”
Brevity! Reduction! Minimum!
Only the shortest letter topics are readable. Let’s take the previous example and explain how to implement this sentence about brevity: “Cheap spare parts with free delivery – price in the letter”. Everything is clear, but how short and concise! Try to make up the topics of letters like this and see how the number of customers gradually increases.